Monday, August 18, 2008

Like Father, Like Son........again

I think I've used this title before, maybe long ago, but there are definitely several instances in Adam's day, week, month, life that prove he is Ben's son.  Today is no exception.  And being that it's political season, we're probably going to see more of these stories.

Today, I had the TV on the news this morning, catching up on the latest Olympics news.  The commercials came on, as usual, and a political ad came on for John McCain.  At that time, Adam informed me, "That's the new John McCain, Mommy!"  I wasn't paying any attention to the TV as I was trying not to burn Adam's waffles in the toaster oven, so my initial response was, "What did you say?"  I had NO idea that Adam even knew who John McCain was!

This afternoon during snack time, another McCain commercial came on (yes, I'm guilty, the TV was on a lot today), and Adam informed me again that it was the "new" John McCain.

I'm really not sure who the "old" John McCain is to Adam, but he's all about the "new" one!  I'll let you know if he picks up on Obama's commercials, too.  Shouldn't 2 year olds be unbiased in the world of politics at this age?