Where has this summer gone? We have travelled so much that we're very excited it's now August. That means we will be home ALL month! Don't get my wrong, we've loved all of the trips and the time spent with family on each one. And don't get me wrong that this month has been wonderful.......I'll get to that later.
I had the wonderful opportunity to take a 10 day vacation to Seattle, WA and Bozeman, MT with my mother-in-law the end of July. We had an awesome time visiting with Ben's sister and her husband, as well as their 20 month old. It was so great to see all three of them and not to mention the beautiful area where they live in Washington. Sue, Stacy, and I took an overnight trip to Victoria, Canada, as well, for some girl time with no kids. Sue and I then left for Montana for a family wedding that was gorgeous! What another beautiful area of our country......awesome! It was so much fun to attend the wedding, too.
While in Montana, Sue and I decided to take a quick day-trip to drive through Yellowstone. See, we were only 1 1/2 hours from the north entrance, so we planned to get up early, borrow a car from family, and drive through Yellowstone, stopping to see Old Faithful and other various peaks of interest in the park. Then, we would leave Yellowstone through the West entrance and drive back to Bozeman. Well, we got to the small town of Gardiner, MT, where the north entrance to the park is located. As we were driving through town, the car started acting like it wasn't getting enough gas to the engine. After spending an hour or two at the service station, it was determined that the car would have to be towed back to Bozeman! Sue and I had about 30 minutes while the technician loaded the car on the tow truck, so we walked over to the park entrance to take a few pictures so I could say I had been to Yellowstone. :) We got back to the Toyota dealership in Bozeman, and they determined that diesel gas was the culprit!! (Sue, I won't tell anyone that you filled up the tank in Livingston.........oops!!).
I sure missed my boys like CRAZY while I was away, but they had an awesome time with Nana and then Daddy. I would call them everyday to talk, and Adam was just too busy to talk to Mommy. Several days went by when he was would say, "No, I don't want to talk to Mommy!" It broke my heart to hear that, but I'm so thankful that he wasn't actually missing me too much. And while Tyler was with Nana in the mountains for a week, she taught him to say "Nana." He says it all the time now, along with da-da and ma-ma every once in a while.
5 weeks ago
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