Sunday, March 14, 2010

Tyler's Speech Therapy

The following post is going to be pretty boring to most of you..........I want to keep track of Tyler's speech therapy sessions, so I'm going to type his weekly session notes here so I have a reference to how he's doing.

At Tyler's 2 year check up back in October 2009, Dr. Kelly recommended I call First Steps about Tyler's speech delay. He said at age 2, children should be putting two words together, and Tyler barely had a vocabulary of 5-10 words all together. So, we called First Steps, and within about 6 weeks, Tyler was starting therapy once a week in our home. Our speech pathologist is awesome, and we've really enjoyed getting to know her. She comes once a week to our house and interacts with Tyler through play. Being in his own element really helps him, and he's come such a long way! There's a lot of room for improvement, but he has definitely improved since we started.

So, the rest of this particular post will be all of his session notes since he started therapy back in December. His therapist takes notes while we are playing, so these evaluations are written by her.

Date: 12/9/09
Service Summary: Tyler is happy and ready to play. Reading a book and introduce signs for book and turn. He repeats "hooray" "mine" and "tweet tweet." Introduced a touch cue for M in "more" and t t t for "turn" and he repeats the sounds. Really trying to repeat words. Discussed ways to help Tyler with his speech and had mom try sound cues with Tyler. Used "no ime" in protest while playing with trains.
Family Ideas: Collect labels and work on picture list to develop words
Plan for Next Session: Overemphasize sounds in words

Date: 12/16/09
Service Summary: Mom reports that he's been making some choices with cereal and snacks. Use touch cue for M, P, and he's not too interested. Overemphasizing sounds in words. Modeled help and he did a word approx. of it. Uses "uh huh" to answer some questions. Labels the color blue, uses "boo." Repeated "bike" after a model and said "beep beep" on own. Discussed ways to help at home with his speech.
Family Ideas: Continue overemphasizing sounds in words.
Plan for Next Session: Bring poster with refrigerator items to reinforce words.

Date: 12/23/09
Service Summary: Tyler is ready to play. Mom reports that he's now saying yogurt. He chooses to play with puzzles and labels some pieces. Using some commenting words: "wee," "go," "boom." Using some final sounds in words. Makes a "thth" sound for train word. Overemphasizing sounds in words. He said "help" after a model. Chose to play with train table. Using "ought oh," "choo choo," "cookie," etc. while we play. Tried the word approx. train and then used "zzz."
Family Ideas: Expanding his words into phrases.
Plan for Next Session: Continue overemphasizing sounds in words.

Date: 1/6/10
Service Summary: Mom reports that he's using lots of words - "milk," etc. Repeating some words after a model. Using "off," "down," "here," "pink," "duck," etc. Playing a duck game and he's repeating lots of words - two syllable words: "circle," "purple." Overemphasizing 2 word phrases "my turn" during a game. Used his "thth" (for train) to request to play trains. Reinforced choo choo and he repeated "choo choo." Used "bus" and put on the final sounds. Answering questions with one word. Trying to use his brother's name "Adam."
Family Ideas: Modeling words and phrases for him to repeat.
Plan for Next Session: Continue expanding his words/phrases, overemphasizing sounds.

Date: 1/20/10
Service Summary: Tyler's using more words now. He's using "yes" and "no" more. He uses "up" to have mom help him. Used "open" and "my turn" after a model. Playing a mine game labeling a few lace-n-shape items. Using "help" while playing a game. Used "ish" for fish. While playing a fishing game, a little tired today. "Yeah me." Uses "more" and "up" while driving a train. Makes train sound.
Family Ideas: Work with favorite items to label during play.
Plan for Next Session: Build on using words to gain items or comment during play.

Date: 1/27/10
Service Summary: Tyler is ready to play. He chooses to read a book. Mom reports that he's using between 2-3 word phrases now. Answering questions using final sounds today. Mom reports that he's leaving off some initial sounds in words. Overemphasizing initial sounds in words. Using "out," "green" ("geen"), "I done," "all done" while playing with puzzles. Used "out" on own when dumping some things. Uses "stop" ("op") and "go," "oom" for boom.
Family Ideas: Build on initial sounds. Overemphasize sounds in words.
Plan for Next Session: Build on initial sounds in words.

Date: 2/13/10 (with Daddy)
Service Summary: Dad reports that he is doing well. He used the word "read" this week. Choose dump truck and blocks to play with. Using "in," "yes," "book," "back," "stack," and "milk." He uses "in" "over" and carries it over into other activities. He requests items from dad and he uses word approximations. Answering questions using one word. Using "yellow," "bee," "match" after a model. Using lots of final sounds in words today: s, p, n, t, k and r. Trying some two word phrases after a model playing.
Family Ideas: Build on final sounds and 2 word phrases.
Plan for Next Session: Work on two word phrases.

Date: 2/20/10
Service Summary: Tyler is ready to play. Repeats some words after a model. Discuss his progress with mom. Working on final sounds in words and modeling 2 word phrases. Using final s, p, m, z in words. Modeling ways to try and have Tyler use 2 word phrases. Consistently using final p in "up" and other words. Discussed ways to work Tyler at home with mom and dad.
Family Ideas: Build on final sounds in words and repeating words back to him.
Plan for Next Session: Oral motor fun and water play.

Date: 3/3/10
Service Summary: Tyler is ready to play. Mom reports that he is using 2 word phrases now. Uses final sounds in words k, s, r, p, f, and n today. Repeating multi-syllable words after a model. Trying "yogurt," "Maggie," "doodles" while playing. He uses "mea" and "minea" at home mom reported. Reading a book and he labels pictures: frog, snake, fish, fly. Prompting jump frog jump while reading and he repeats. Used "my mommy," "my turn," etc. Repeats 1, 2, 3 dump after a model. Used a touch cue for s blends st (star) finger @ elbow and get to hand and put on t sound.
Family Ideas: Try s blend cue.
Plan for Next Session: Build on consistent 2 word phrases.

Date: 3/10/10
Service Summary: Mom reports that he's using more 2 word phrases and some new words. They've been using the touch cue for s blends. Using 2 word phrases while we're playing: "hi daddy," "hi mommy" while talking on the phone. Building on compound word books - butter + fly = butterfly after a model. Using plurals and possessives - "eggs," "yours." Labeling items with color words and uses final sounds. Counting with mom.
Family Ideas: Build on phrases and using touch cue for blends.
Plan for Next Session: Build on phrases.