...she's also a fantastic teacher! Yes, Adam LOVES watching "Dorrie." It's been his favorite show for a few months now, and I can tell through his speech and thought process that he's truly learning from her show. How wonderful as a parent to realize that watching TV is good for him. :) Adam has mastered a certain concept that I've read in magazines is not usually done for a long time, well into the preschool years. He can process the "now...then" or "first...next" concept. For example, we were driving to the YMCA last night for Mommy to work out and Adam and Tyler to go to Child watch. Adam said as we were leaving the house, "Mommy, I play with toys first, and Mommy workout, then I go home." I said, "Yep! That's right!" I'm so proud! He does this all day long. "First I read book, then go night-night next." "First I eat lunch, then play with toys next, Mommy."
This is a recurrent theme in all of Dora's explorations. Their adventures are centered around getting from one place to another by going through several other places. Hence, the "first...next" concept. They repeat it several times, "First, we go through the chocolate river, then over the big red chicken hill, then we get to the playground!"
I know Adam has excellent speaking skills when compared to other kids his age, my goodness, he talks nonstop! And in complete sentences, too. But it makes a Mommy proud to read in her parenting magazine that he's accomplished something that usually wouldn't happen until later in his sweet little life. :)
5 weeks ago
That's so gratifying! I feel the same way when James sees a dog and says "Duh!" He sees a brush and brushes his hair...I might have taught him the dog recognition skill but I never showed him how to brush his hair, he just sees me do it every day and now he knows what it is...simple, I know, but so fun to watch his little brain figure stuff out each day.
Keep up the good work mommying and your working out sounds terrific too- good for you!
Go Adam!! Isn't it amazing what our kids pick up on? I love that they talk in complete sentences now...it makes it so much easier and fun!
Hey Karen,
I didn't know the easiest way to let you know how to get the cute backgrounds for the blog so I decided to post a link to a friend of mine's blog who gave me directions. Here's the link: http://erinparker.blogspot.com/2007/09/for-all-of-you-who-have-been-asking.html Hopefully this will get you there! Let me know if you have any questions!
Hey Karen! This is good to hear - Lucas loves t.v : )
I can't believe that Adam also likes Goldbug! What a neat little book. Lucas can find the bug on every page now in about 1/2 a second.
Tyler is such a cutie :)
take care,
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